Monday, June 6, 2011

Rocking and Rolling!

On Thursday, May 26th, this is how Leighton looked when she started playing...
And this is how she looked a few minutes later...
That's right... my baby rolled from her back to her tummy!  Naturally, I didn't see it happen the first time :(  I was sitting a few feet away cutting the tags off some of her new clothes, and when I looked up... she was on her tummy.  Of course I was bummed, so I did what any mother would do... I put her back on her back and tried to lure her with toys, etc. to make her do it again.  Sure enough, she did!  I thought I would try my luck a third time to see if I could catch her doing it on video for her daddy.  No such luck.  We tried again when Lyn got home, but she would get sooo close... then flop back over.  It was still a chore for her at that point.  This past weekend, Lyn was playing with L in her room and he caught her in the act.  After she did it the first time, she wouldn't stop.  Now when we put her on her activity mat, the first thing she does is roll onto her tummy.  She'll even inch back and forth from time to time, so I'm thinking we may have an early crawler on our hands.  Better start baby-proofing now.  Sometimes it still seems crazy to me that I'm a parent, but watching your children grow and learn new things is pretty dang cool :) 

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